Concert review: Wilderado w/ Flyte | 06.07.24, Delmar Hall (with photo gallery)

Photo of Wilderado’s Tyler Wimpee by Laura Jerele

Getting your trailers stolen a few days before embarking on a tour is the absolute worst. However, that didn’t stop Wilderado from doing a last-minute scramble to get things together to start their tour (on time) in St. Louis tonight. The tour doesn’t end until October, ending in their hometown of Tulsa, and that’s just after the release of their newest album Talker comes out in September.

It was super cool to see people flooding into Delmar Hall to catch opener Flyte. This three-piece act has really catchy, mellow tunes—they’re kinda folky, kinda indie, a bit Simon, a bit Garfunkel. I can see why so many people showed up to catch their set. I really dug their chill vibes and great songs because they were really talented and catchy as hell.

I’ve seen Wilderado several times, and they never disappoint. Tonight’s show started with quite the moody feel complete with a dark stage, backlit band members, and flashes of stark, bright lights. With only being able to do the standard first three songs of the show, the photos really capture the beginning of the intentional moodiness. The show built momentum of lights and tempo that matched, and the audience picked up their own momentum as if on cue. At times, there was utter stillness as everyone listened and absorbed songs like “Tomorrow” and “Astronaut,” while other moments were fully rockin’ with hands in the air and the crowd swaying, especially during “Wheat” and the set-ending “Rubble to Rubble.”

Despite the rocky start to their tour prep, lead vocalist Max Rainer expressed gratitude for being able to tour and spent many moments looking at the crowd, taking it all in,  with one helluva smile on his face. | Laura Jerele

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