Live from the Boom Room is a live music video series featuring live performances recorded in the Blip Blap Video HQ bunker in St. Louis, Mo. Learn more about Blip Blap Video at, or follow them on Instagram and YouTube.
This week’s episode features Davie Napalm performing his original, “Anothr Run.”
About this week’s artist:
Davie Napalm, a native of St. Louis, Missouri, is a formidable figure in the Hip Hop community. He has made a name for himself in the genre because to his fascinating lyrical talent and distinctive voice. Davie Napalm offers a unique viewpoint by fusing aspects of traditional Hip Hop with contemporary influences. His songs seamlessly blend fascinating sounds, insightful lyrics, and contagious enthusiasm.
What brought you to this point in your life as a working St. Louis artist?
I wrote my first song when I was 3 years old, says my mom. It’s what I do best.
What inspires your music? What does this song in particular mean to you?
This song is called Anothr Run. Like all of my music, this song is inspired by my daily life.
Who in St. Louis are you inspired by right now?
Joey Ferber, Thomas Paden, and my Coalition family.
What bands are you performing with lately?
The Coalition.
Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
Healthy and Happy.
This season of Live from the Boom Room has been partially funded by a generous grant from the Regional Arts Commission. Help keep Live from the Boom Room an absolutely free service for musical artists by supporting the project with your donation here: