Live from the Boom Room is a live music video series featuring live performances recorded in the Blip Blap Video HQ bunker in St. Louis, Mo. Learn more about Blip Blap Video at, or follow them on Instagram and YouTube.
This week’s episode features Poopyknife performing his song, “Addicted to Pee.” Yes, really.
About this week’s artist:
Poopyknife originally mutated in North County (Florissant, Hazelwood, Ferguson) as separate entities; N!lbog & Manakin. The pair can sometimes be found in the PWEpic wrestling ring giving big angry hugs to grown men in their underpants. N!lbog is low-key a weeb and has a mailbox fetish. Manakin is deaf in both nostrils and has been pregnant since 1972. Bananas are yummy.
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This season of Live from the Boom Room has been partially funded by a generous grant from the Regional Arts Commission. Help keep Live from the Boom Room an absolutely free service for musical artists by supporting the project with your donation here: