Photo gallery: Real Estate | 05.21.24, Delmar Hall

Photo of Martin Courtney of Real Estate by Laura Jerele

Despite the looming threat of a tornado watch, Real Estate drew an almost sold-out crowd to Delmar Hall Tuesday night. The audience was obviously unfettered by the severe weather warnings and rain and gave Real Estate a warm welcome back to Saint Louis as they’re currently on the road supporting their new album, Daniel.

There was a definite mood of the night, a pretty chill vibe which was matched by pretty dark and moody lighting. I love it when a band is drenched in red—despite some photographers hating that challenge, I, for one, love it. 

Real Estate’s setlist wandered nicely into new territory with songs like “Flowers” and “Somebody New,” beautifully showcasing their melodic and introspective sound, weaving together tracks from their extensive catalog. Hard to think they have ‘classics’ but that how it felt hearing crowd faves “Water Underground” and “Talking Backwards.” Their performance was tight and polished, yet imbued with a calm warmth and spontaneity that made the evening feel intimate, special, and also, luckily, tornado-free. | Laura Jerele

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