The Ready Room Returns

The St. Louis music scene’s first major casualty of the COVID pandemic was the Ready Room. The venerable venue at 4195 Manchester Ave. in The Grove converted an old garage into a thriving midsize venue suitable for hosting countless punk, indie, and hip-hop shows over its existence (some personal favorite shows include of Montreal, Jenny Lewis, Guided by Voices, the Beths, and Japandroids). But with the prescience to realize how unknown the future of the concert industry was at the time, owner/founder Mike Cracchiolo decided not to renew his lease and the Ready Room shut down for good that May. Their neighbors down the block, Grove cornerstone Atomic Cowboy, toughed it out into the next year but shuttered their doors in the winter of 2021.

And now, unbelievably, the Ready Room is back—and this time, its new location is in Atomic Cowboy’s old location, 4140 Manchester Ave. Much like the old Atomic Cowboy, the Riverfront Times reports that the new Ready Room will be both a concert venue and a restaurant, and it will be multiple venues in one, with a large outdoor pavilion and a small indoor cocktail lounge, plus a private event space upstairs.

The new venue debuts this Sunday with Portland classic rock/stoner metal band Red Fang. The venue has set up a website at that takes you to a ticket sales page though, weirdly, only one show is available through Tixr while others are through Ticketweb, eTix, Eventbrite, and even Do314. They’ve also established a Facebook page, though not all events are listed there as of yet. With that confusion in mind, we’ve gathered all of the upcoming Ready Room shows we could find into one list. See you there? | Jason Green

Upcoming at the Ready Room:

08.07.22 | Opening night with Red Fang | Tix

08.19.22 | Voodoo Grateful Dead | Tix

08.20.22 | My Posse in Effect: A Tribute to the Beastie Boys feat. The Steve Ewing Band and DJ Mahf | Tix

08.30.22 | Richie Kotzen | Tix

08.31.22 | The Collection | Tix

09.09.22 | Vista Kicks | Tix

09.12.22 | Dragged Under | Tix

09.13.22 | Crywank and Chastity w/ Todd Moved to Portland | Tix, Tix

09.16.22 | Leftover Salmon w/ One Way Traffic | TIx

09.17.22 | Black Knife, Traffic Death, and Blackwell | Tix

09.19.22 | Melt | Tix

09.24.22 | Horror Section w/ Starter Jackets

09.27.22 | A Wilhelm Scream | Tix

10.08.22 | Randall King | Tix

10.12.22 | Melt-Banana | Tix

11.01.22 | Wheatus | Tix

11.12.22 | Chris Colston | Tix

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