Photo of Weathers live at Halo Bar by Erica Vining
When life gives you lemon (eyes), you make acoustic sets at Halo Bar. Scheduled to open for Meg Myers at Delmar Hall, California-based Weathers was left scrambling for a way to keep fans happy after a last-minute cancellation of the headliner due to illness. The end result was a 30-minute acoustic set at neighboring Halo Bar, the late-night club attached to The Pageant—shoutout to the co-owner of The Pageant and Delmar Hall, Pat Hagin, who made all of this possible.
The foursome wedged into a back corner with vocalist Cameron Boyer perched on a stool flanked by Cameron Olsen on acoustic, Christian Champion in the back adding percussive beats drumming his lap, and Brennan Bates to his left adding synth and bass with some electric guitar backing. The band played through some of their popular hits including “Happy Pills,” “I’m Not Okay,” and “C’est La Vie.” My favorite part of the show came midway when the band covered the Jonas Brothers hit “Burnin’ Up.” The song had the crowd hyped up—as best they could in the small space—and the energy in the bar palpable. The band went on to debut a new song during the set which was a bold move considering they had likely only practiced this with a full sound setup and optimal conditions.
Weathers is truly “One of a Kind” and a night of disappointment at a cancelled show turned around quickly with this intimate performance I feel lucky to have experienced. | Erica Vining

Delmar HallHalo Bar (with photo gallery)