Photo of Bones Owens courtesy of Why&How.
It’s amazing what happens when you open yourself up to the universe. Ever since I shifted my focus from albums to singles, my musical life has been a whirlwind. It’s like a switch flipped and I went from being a musical snob to being overwhelmed by all the musical talent this generation has to offer.
It’s almost as if I am living the life of Ebenezer Scrooge as I would sit in my E-Z chair with my headphones on mumbling about the good ole days of music. When my friends would ask if I had heard the new Adele album or checked out the latest Billie Eilish jam, I would roll my eyes and lash out at them saying how only nobody has released a good album since The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste by Ministry.
But then I started writing this column and I realized how stupid I have been marinating in my own musical snobbery. The kids of today have come to play and I have to say—I am impressed.
Cut to me throwing open my windows and yelling out to anyone who will listen, “Have you heard the new song from Saint Chaos? How about Redscale?” Thanks to these innovators, I am living my best musical life.
Artist: Ashley Cooke
Song: “Never Till Now”
In A Word: Genuine
I may be a fan of hard rock music, but when a song like this comes across my radar, I take pause. The composition of this song may be simplistic, but Cooke’s delivery is breathtaking. Ashley proves you don’t have to yell to make yourself heard. Love songs might be a dime a dozen, but “Never Till Now” sounds like a million bucks.
Artist: Bones Owens
Song: “Rambler”
In A Word: Groovy
The groove is heavy on this one, children. It’s as if Gary Clark Jr and Lenny Kravitz got together to create someone to carry on their legacy and they came up with Bones Owens. “Rambler” has one funky bassline and vocals that sound as if they are being sung through a bullhorn. If this track does not get your neck snapping back and forth, nothing will. Throw in the fact that he was born in Missouri and Owens can call me one of his newest and most devoted fans.
Artist: Saint Chaos
Song: “Where I Belong”
In A Word: Inspiring
Once again, Saint Chaos proves you don’t have to go overkill mode to get your message across. While this upbeat track moves nicely, it builds tension as it goes along while the vocals invite you to keep listening. They could have produced this track with a pounding drum beat and screaming vocals, but their clean delivery and restrained rhythms make this track stand out.
Artist: Samantha Fish
Song: “Faster”
In a Word: Edgy
Part Carrie Underwood and part Joan Jett, Samantha Fish is one badass singer. This Kansas rocker keeps things simple with a driving rock beat and fun, flirty lyrics. What I love most is the undeniable stamp of blues in her vocals. And extra points for all the fashions Fish serves in the video.
Artist: Redscale
Song: “It’s A Death Cult, Baby”
In A Word: Unstoppable
Fire up the pits, Redscale has come to mosh. The boys from Berlin tug at my heartstrings with this unflinching, heart-pounding, unstoppable force of pure rock and roll. Redscale reminds me of bands I grew up with such as KMFDM and My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult that gave me an outlet for my “aggressive” style of dancing. I adore testosterone rock.
Well kids, I am back off on my travels. I hope you and your family have a wonderful (and safe) New Year’s Eve and a fantastic 2022.
You can hear these songs and more in my curated playlist, “K-JIM 2021,” by clicking this link.
You can follow me on Twitter @TheFoundFive. Don’t be a stranger.|Jim Ryan