7:00pm | 3513 Lemp Ave. | All ages | $10, $3 minor surcharge
Live from the Boom Room, the local live music video series you can find right here at The Arts STL, celebrates the release of its 100th Episode, along with the premiere of its 5th Season! The party starts at 7:00pm with a screening of highlights from our previous season, followed by a live show at 8:00pm featuring some of your fave STL artists. Check out this lineup:
- Lizzie Weber
- Hunter Peebles
- Chan Maurice Evans
- Daemon
- Davie Napalm
- Mattie Schell
- David Gomez
- Amber Skies
- …and the very first Boom Room artist, Clownvis
Tix are $10, with proceeds going to the artists themselves. Come for your faves, and stick around (or come early) to discover some new favorite artists. See the full playlist of Live from the Boom Room episodes here on The Arts STL, on YouTube, and at livefromtheboomroom.com.